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Defining Civilization: How Democracy Inspired the West

In ictoria oates’ 016 ook avid’s ling:  istory f emocracy n en orks f rt he uthor rgues hat emocracy as ad nique apacity o nspire ome f he reatest rtistic chievements f estern ivilization rom he arthenon o icasso’s uernica.  hile r. oates oes ot aintain hat his s n xclusive rrangement, r ithout ts air hare f ailure nd atastrophe, ltimately emocracy merges s ne f he reat atalysts f estern ivilization.  n his alk r. oates ill ocus n wo ase tudies rom avid’s ling, ichelangelo’s avid nd lbert ierstadt’s ocky ountains: ander’s eak, nd hen xpand he iscussion o xplore ow imilar istories ould e ritten bout wo ther illars f estern ivilization: he udeo-Christian radition, nd he elief n he imitless otential f he ndividual. 

Time:   2:00 - :00 .m.   oors pen 1:30 .m. 
Price:  egular: $15,  tudent: $10
(Includes ox unch nd everage) 

Metered treet arking s vailable. lease ring ufficient hange ith ou or eters. ou an lso ay or arking ith he arkMobile pp n our martphone (iOS nd ndroid). here re lso aid arking ots earby. lease nter uilding ff f heldon lvd. 

SPEAKER - bout ictoria .G. oates
Victoria s ultural istorian ho eceived er h.D. rom he niversity f ennsylvania pecializing n talian enaissance rt.

All information can be found here:

Earlier Event: November 2
Troy Econ Lunch - Gender Wage Gap
Later Event: November 9
State Lotteries - Troy Econ Lunch