Aquinas Economicology Forum: Raise the Minimum Wage?:
Since its creation in 1938, at the rate of 25 cents an hour, the U.S. minimum wage has been a hotly debated topic among politicians, academics, business leaders, and the general public. Derided by some as inefficient market interference and lauded by others as a living wage, the minimum wage has emerged as a prominent policy debate for the 2016 Presidential election. In an effort to provide clarity to an often murky discussion, Aquinas College will present a panel moderated by Dr. Todd Yarbrough featuring a diverse set of thoughts and ideas with audience interaction, debate, and discussion. Panelists include: Dr. Stephen Barrows, Dr. Michael Cushion, Dr. Molly Patterson, and Mr. Andy Johnston from the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce,
Donnelly Center, Tuesday, October 4, 2016 7:00 P.M.
The Economicology Initiative at Aquinas has been funded by a generous grant from the Wege Foundation. The Minimum Wage Panel is cosponsored by the Accounting, Community Leadership, Economics, Political Science, and Sociology Departments and by the Business and Accounting League.