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The Rise of American Populism

America as xperienced urge f opulism n ecent ears hat as urned he stablished rder f ur olitics n ts ead. here o hese ovements ome rom? hat an istory ell s bout here hey re oing? nd hat an tatesmen o o hannel his olitical utrage or he ood f he eople? 

Time: 2:00-1:00 .m.  (doors pen 1:30 .m.) 
Price: egular: $15,  tudent: $10
(Includes ox unch nd everage) 

Metered treet arking s vailable. lease ring ufficient hange ith ou or eters. ou an lso ay or arking ith he arkMobile pp n our martphone (iOS nd ndroid). here re lso aid arking ots earby. lease nter uilding ff f heldon lvd. 

Benjamin omenech s he ublisher f he ederalist, ost f he ederalist adio our, nd rites he ransom,  aily ubscription ewsletter or olitical nsiders. omenech lso erves s ellow t he anhattan nstitute. e as reviously enior ellow t he eartland nstitute; ditor n hief f he ity, n cademic ournal n aith nd ulture; nd peechwriter or HS ecretary ommy hompson nd .S. enator ohn ornyn f exas. e o-founded edstate nd o-hosted offee & arkets, n ward-winning conomic odcast. is riting as een ublished n he aily east, olitico, ommentary, eason, nd Q, nd e ppears egularly n ox ews, SNBC, NN, BO, nd BS's ace he ation. 

All the information can be found here:

Earlier Event: October 12
Troy Econ Lunch - Free College?
Later Event: October 25
Aquinas Econ Lunch - Immigration